Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Final Post!

Ok! This is my fifth and final blog post for Genius Hour! This has been such an exciting experience because I have NEVER gotten to choose my own learning pathway. Honestly, it was very hard to even choose my researching topic!

Overall, my favorite part was all the planning my family had to carry out before we started to no sugar diet. My LEAST favorite part was how hard it was to give up sugar for two weeks, considering it's ten times more addictive than abusive drugs. What I like best about Genius Hour research was that I felt like I wasn't even at school. It was really cool to get to research whatever I had chosen!

My least favorite part was that some of the websites were not very reliable, and it was challenging to get correct data and information. I also learned a lot about myself throughout the process of this project. I learned that I like to be very organized when undergoing research, because I ALWAYS had to bookmark my visited pages and I liked to type up all my needed information onto a Word document because some of the information I had found was not relevant.

In conclusion, I am very glad to be given this opportunity because it revealed some of my interest in learning! Wish me luck on my presentation today!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Almost Done!

It is now Sunday afternoon as I am writing this post. I am planned to present my Genius Hour project to the class on the 12th. I'm very anxious and also excited to present to my class. Doing this project has showed me how great it is to choose my own learning experience.

At the moment, I'm putting my powerpoint presentation all together. I am about halfway done with it. In the presentation, I will visually show my class my learning topic from the previous month. I will also get to view my other classmates learning experiences.

My presentation will follow the rubric we were given for this assignment. It will include my driving question, my learning process, and my conclusion. I will also have to answer some questions from my classmates. Overall, I cannot wait! See you guys soon!